Our company has existed since the year 2000 and arose with the idea of dealing with a small part of the mixed plastics in Portugal that, at the time, were simply sent to landfill. Extruplás is a company that recycles, collects and recovers mixed plastics, and from them produces urban furniture in 100% recycled plastic, thus preventing these waste materials from ending up in landfill. It currently has factories in Seixal (headquarters) and Maia. Featuring within its vast portfolio are tables and stools for the garden, walkways and paving, sun loungers and parasols, raised structures and bridges. These items, made entirely of recycled plastic, avoid consuming natural resources such as wood.
Number facts
553 thousand tons / year of production of plastic waste in Portugal
Recent studies indicate that a plastic bag can take about 500 years to decompose
70% of the population in Portugal recycles
EXTRUPLÁS pursues a medium/long-term business strategy based on the concept of sustained growth, promoting the importance of the recycling of plastics and their re-use in products with good specifications and added value. The cornerstones of our strategy are efficiency in production, quality, innovation, research and internationalisation. Since our customers play a fundamental role in our sustained growth, their satisfaction is vital. We achieve this by ensuring that we meet their needs and fulfil all of the conditions agreed with them. With this in mind, we use training, motivation and participation to promote the personal and career development of our employees. To ensure quality in EXTRUPLÁS's management, a strong commitment to involving everyone – customers, employees and suppliers – is essential. And this means that our suppliers too must be qualified and committed to the quality of their products and services. EXTRUPLÁS's management is also committed to having a Quality Management System that responds to the needs of our customers and other interested parties, as well as to the development and continuous improvement of our services and products, complying with all legal, statutory and regulatory requirements. And this is in addition to ensuring compliance with all of the QMS's requirements and the continuous improvement of its effectiveness. In accordance with the above, it is fundamental that we achieve and adapt our goals. The management defines and disseminates its quality policy, with the undertaking that it will be appropriate and that employees will be provided with all of the necessary means to enable them to understand and implement it.
Co-Financiado por:
Extruplás - Reciclagem, Recuperação e Fabrico de Produtos Plásticos